What is a consignment shop? Learn how consignment stores work, the top tips for scoring deals shopping secondhand fashions, maximizing your profit consigning goods, and opening your own boutique.
Everything you need to know about thrift stores - their history, where to shop, what you'll find, tips for scoring deals, benefits of donating, and how thrifting allows you to save money, go green, and find hidden gems.
Learn how to clean and care for a secondhand fur coat with this ultimate guide. Get pro tips for inspecting, DIY cleaning, odor and stain removal, storage, and when to repair or retire vintage fur.
Learn how to clean thrifted and vintage jewelry finds like a pro! This guide covers the best cleaning methods for gold, silver, gems and more. Plus disinfecting tips to sanitize pre-worn jewelry safely.
Revive thrifted furniture finds with cleaning tips to eliminate odors, stubborn stains, and lingering grime from wood, fabric, leather and more. Repair damages and refresh finishes to restore pre-loved pieces to their full glory.
Learn how to safely clean thrifted and vintage earrings. This guide covers cleaning different jewelry types, disinfecting pre-worn pieces, and when to take earrings to a professional jeweler for repair.
This ultimate guide reveals the top thrift stores in Scottsdale for scoring hidden gems and deals. Get tips to master thrifting, from arrival times to social media tricks. Uncover unique vintage fashion and décor.
Learn how to thoroughly clean used baskets found at thrift stores and yard sales. This guide covers supplies needed, cleaning methods for different materials, conquering stains and odors, eliminating mold, and ongoing care for vintage baskets.
Clean thrifted clothes properly with handy tips on washing, removing stains, eliminating odors, disinfecting, and general fabric care. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to restore pre-loved fashions.
Learn how to deep clean and disinfect thrift store shoes with steps for hand washing, removing stains, whitening soles, disinfecting, and deodorizing pre-owned footwear. Give fresh life to discounted vintage, designer, and unique shoes.